Resistance breathing is a powerful breathing technique that involves creating resistance during exhalation, which strengthens the respiratory muscles and improves lung function. This technique is beneficial for boosting endurance, enhancing fitness, and promoting relaxation. In this guide, we’ll cover what resistance breathing is, how it works, and how to practice it effectively.

What is Resistance Breathing?

Resistance breathing is a method where airflow is intentionally restricted, either by pursing the lips or using breathing devices, making the respiratory muscles work harder. This increased effort strengthens the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, improving lung capacity and oxygen exchange. It’s commonly used in fitness training, lung health improvement, and stress relief.

How to Practice Resistance Breathing

Here are the steps to practice resistance breathing effectively:

  1. Find a Comfortable Position
    Sit upright in a chair or cross-legged on the floor. Ensure your posture is relaxed but upright to allow full lung expansion.
  2. Inhale Deeply
    Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, filling your lungs completely. Focus on expanding your diaphragm and allowing your abdomen to rise as you breathe in.
  3. Create Resistance
    As you exhale, purse your lips as if you were blowing out a candle. This creates resistance, slowing down your exhalation and forcing your respiratory muscles to work harder. You can also try humming during exhalation or using a breathing device designed for this technique.
  4. Exhale Slowly
    Exhale slowly and steadily through pursed lips, ensuring that the exhalation is controlled and lasts longer than the inhalation.
  5. Repeat for 5-10 Minutes
    Continue the cycle of deep inhalation followed by slow, resisted exhalation for 5-10 minutes. As you become more comfortable, you can increase the duration of your practice.

Why Resistance Breathing Works

Resistance breathing strengthens the muscles responsible for breathing, such as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. By creating resistance during exhalation, your lungs and respiratory muscles are forced to work harder, increasing their strength and efficiency. This improved lung function can enhance endurance and physical performance, making it a valuable technique for both athletes and individuals with respiratory conditions.

Tips for Resistance Breathing

  • Use a Device: There are specialized devices, such as breathing trainers, that can help create resistance during exhalation. These tools make the practice more structured and effective.
  • Practice Regularly: For best results, practice resistance breathing daily. Start with shorter sessions and gradually increase the duration as your lung capacity improves.
  • Pair with Other Exercises: Combinethis technique with deep breathing or diaphragmatic breathing for a comprehensive lung workout.
  • Stay Consistent: Make resistance breathing a part of your daily routine, especially if you’re focused on improving lung health or fitness.

Benefits of Resistance Breathing

  1. Stronger Respiratory Muscles: Resistance breathing strengthens the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles, improving overall lung function.
  2. Improved Lung Capacity: Regular practice increases lung capacity, making it easier to take in more oxygen and exhale more efficiently.
  3. Better Endurance: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts use this technique to build endurance and improve performance.
  4. Enhanced Relaxation: Slower, controlled breathing promotes relaxation and reduces stress.
  5. Support for Lung Health: For individuals with conditions like COPD or asthma, resistance breathing can help improve breathing efficiency and lung capacity.

For those interested in learning more about resistance breathing and other advanced breathing techniques, I recommend the following books:

  1. The Healing Power of the Breath by Dr. Richard Brown and Dr. Patricia Gerbarg – A guide to breathing techniques that support lung health and relaxation.
  2. Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor – A fascinating exploration of various breathing techniques and how they can transform physical and mental health.
  3. The Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeown – A comprehensive guide on how breathing exercises can improve performance and health.


Resistance breathing is a simple yet highly effective technique that can strengthen your lungs, improve fitness, and promote relaxation. By incorporating this practice into your daily routine, you’ll build better lung capacity and endurance while enjoying the calming benefits of controlled breathing. Whether you’re an athlete looking to boost performance or someone focused on improving lung health, resistance breathing is a valuable tool for overall well-being.

Explore more breathing tools and accessories to enhance your practise on Amazon here.

This guide was brought to you by BreathingExerciseGuide.com.

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