Light on Yoga Review: Iyengar’s Ultimate Guide to Yoga


Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar is one of the most authoritative books on yoga, often hailed as the “Bible of Yoga.” This comprehensive guide covers the philosophy of yoga, detailed instructions for over 200 poses (asanas), and the practice of pranayama (breathing techniques). Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, this book provides valuable insights into the world of yoga and its many benefits.

Overview of the Book

Published in 1966, Light on Yoga has stood the test of time as a classic resource for yoga practitioners. The book is not just an instructional guide but also a deep dive into the philosophy behind hatha yoga and ashtanga yoga, two prominent styles of yoga. Iyengar’s emphasis on proper alignment and the detailed illustrations of each pose make it a valuable resource for both yoga practitioners and teachers alike.

Key Highlights of Light on Yoga

  • Detailed Instructions for Over 200 Poses: From basic poses like Mountain Pose (Tadasana) to more advanced postures, the book offers step-by-step instructions.
  • Comprehensive Guide to Pranayama: Iyengar explores the importance of pranayama, or breath control, in enhancing your yoga practice, providing detailed guidance on how to integrate it with asanas.
  • Alignment and Precision: As a pioneer of Iyengar Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar places significant emphasis on alignment, which helps prevent injury and improve the effectiveness of poses.
  • Philosophy of Yoga: The book also explores the deeper spiritual aspects of yoga, connecting physical practice to mental and emotional well-being.
  • Illustrated Guide: Each posture is clearly illustrated, making it easier for practitioners to understand correct alignment and form.

Who Is This Book For?

Light on Yoga is suitable for:

  • Beginners: Detailed explanations of basic poses make it a perfect guide for those new to yoga.
  • Advanced Practitioners: For seasoned yogis, it offers more complex postures and techniques for refining practice.
  • Yoga Teachers: As a teaching reference, this book provides insights on how to guide students in achieving the correct form and alignment.

Yoga Styles Covered

While Light on Yoga primarily focuses on hatha yoga and ashtanga yoga, Iyengar’s approach can be applied across various styles, such as yin yoga, vinyasa yoga, and hot yoga. These styles offer unique benefits, from improving flexibility to building strength and balance. For those interested in exploring different types of yoga, the book provides a solid foundation.

What Makes Light on Yoga Stand Out?

  1. Iyengar’s Expertise: As one of the most influential yoga teachers in the world, B.K.S. Iyengar’s knowledge and experience make this book a timeless classic.
  2. Focus on Alignment: Proper alignment is key to preventing injuries and maximizing the benefits of each pose. Iyengar’s focus on precision makes this book ideal for anyone looking to improve their yoga practice.
  3. Comprehensive Structure: The book begins with simpler poses and progresses to more advanced ones, allowing practitioners to build their skills gradually.

Personal Reflection on Light on Yoga

As someone who has explored various styles like vinyasa yoga and yin yoga, I found Light on Yoga to be an invaluable resource in improving my alignment and understanding of the poses. Iyengar’s attention to detail and the thorough explanations of each pose helped me deepen my practice, especially in more challenging asanas like Vajrasana and Downward-Facing Dog. The book also broadened my knowledge of pranayama, integrating breath control into my regular practice for improved focus and calmness.

If you’ve enjoyed Light on Yoga and want to dive deeper into yoga practice, here are two more books to consider:

  • The Heart of Yoga by T.K.V. Desikachar – This book offers a more individualized approach to yoga, focusing on adapting the practice to suit personal needs.
  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda – A classic text that delves into the philosophical aspects of yoga, providing insights for those seeking a deeper understanding of yoga’s spiritual foundations.


Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar is an essential guide for anyone serious about learning or teaching yoga. From hot yoga and yin yoga to kundalini yoga, this book provides the foundation needed to master poses, improve alignment, and incorporate pranayama into your practice. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start your yoga journey or an experienced practitioner wanting to refine your technique, Light on Yoga is a must-read.

Explore more tools and accessories to enhance your Yoga practise on Amazon here.

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Light on Yoga Review: Iyengar’s Ultimate Guide to Yoga
Light on Yoga Review: Iyengar’s Ultimate Guide to Yoga
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